LinkedIn-Profile Czipin




Don't burn Money!

Machen Sie lieber den


Machen Sie lieber den Quick-Check! 

The Quick-Check –

Free of Charge* but  

always worth it 

The Quick-Check:

Free of Charge*but not for Nothing 

See how it works: 

See how it works: 


We agree a date on which you

and 4-5 of your managers have

each 1,5 hours for us

We agree a date

on which you and 4-5 of your managers

have each 1,5 hours for us

We agree a date

on which you and 4-5 of your managers

have each 1,5 hours for us


We come to you and hold

confidential Interviews with your

selected Managers 

We come to you and hold

confidential Interviews

with your selected Managers  

We come to you and hold

confidential Interviews

with your selected Managers  


We present our insights of

the Quick Check and discuss with you

about potentials and perspectives

Wir präsentieren die Eindrücke,

Ihre Chancen und Perspektiven

Wir präsentieren die Eindrücke,

Ihre Chancen und Perspektiven

Interested? Then make an Appointment now:


Dann melden Sie sich jetzt:

*We ask you for your understanding,

that we can offer our Quick-Check free-of-charge only

to companies with more than 300 employees. 

All others pay a fee

*We ask you for your understanding, that we can offer our Quick-Check free-of-charge for free, if you book the next step of cooperation (fitness check).

All others pay a fee

*We ask you for your understanding, that we can offer our Quick-Check free-of-charge for free, if you book the next step of cooperation (fitness check).

All others pay a fee