LinkedIn-Profile Czipin

Our formula for success:

Sometimes you just need to hold your tongue and listen

Benefit from the experience of others: check out these 12 testimonials about working
with us in order to help you select the right consultancy

“Czipin was

recommended  to us

ourselves. And we are

happy to continue

this tradition.

> Benedikt Zacherl 

CEO Schlumberger

“Coming to our

experienced teams with

new rules  of the game

was not quite easy,

but quite successful!

> Roman Bock 

> Johannes Bock 

Management Directors BECOM Group

„Many consultants 

can deal perfectly

with numbers,  but

Red Elephants can deal

 with people as well. 

„Since Czipin worked

with us, our cables not only  

transport  energy,  

but also contain our 

 passion for excellence.

> Alexander Tremmel

Eigentümer Prakab &

Schwechater Kabelwerke

„In Project 

Development  no one 

can lead us the Way. 

In  Productivity  


„We live off 

having  better Ideas  

than our Competition. 

One of them was 


> Thomas G. Winkler 

> Martin Löcker 

> Patric Thate 

UBM Development

„Czipin acted like a 

good journalist, agonized 

us (and himself) and did 

not let up despite massive 

resistance. Thank You.

„The media landscape 

had changed radically.  

That’s why only a consultant 

could help who thinks 

radically different.

> Dr. Horst Pirker 

  CEO Verlagsgruppe News


of a nice tie,  he 

contributes practical 

solution  for our 


„He is a straight shooter, 

easy to handle and open. 

But nevertheless  an 

Exceptional Consultant or 

maybe just because of that.

> Klaus Ortner 

  IGO-Ortner Gruppe

“Czipin made

a clean job 

of disposing

off our


“We discovered


in the waste –

Czipin discovered

potential in us. 

> Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Mittermayr 

  Saubermacher Dienstleistungs AG


increased  our 


And lowered  our 

  blood pressure.”

“Czipin gained 

 the confidence of

 our staff by talking

 to  them instead of

  talking about  them.”

> Christian Langhammer 

> Christof Papousek 

  CINEPLEXX Kinogruppe

“A lot of companies 

do not tap their 

full  potential. 

Luckily we are not  one 

  of them anymore.”

> Karl-Heinz Strauss 


“Czipin is the first 

consultancy that managed 

to keep me awake 

during their analysis 


“Czipin managed 

to bring us all  on the 

same page. And suddenly 

our staff understood 

  the need for change.”

> Andreas Ludwig 

  Umdasch Group AG

“Czipin has been 

the only one to link 

his fees to our success. 

Others call it crazy. 

I call it fair.

“We called 

Czipin in when our 

 business was doing well. 

Why? In order that 

  it stays this way.

> Mag. Albin Hahn 

  Josef Manner & Comp. AG

“At last a consultant

who listens before 

he speaks. And when

he speaks, you are

 glad to listen.

> Eveline Pupeter 

  Emporia Telecom

“We have 

been working 

with Czipin 

   for a long time – 

  he is good.

> Josef Taus 


“In real life 

it is not a

white knight 

but a 

  red elephant.

“There is one thing I

know for sure 

by now: A project costs 

you half as much 

  as no project.”

> Dr. Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer 

  Senior Advisor


just doesn´t 

know it better, 

he makes it 


“Down with 

classic management 


Up with management 


> Dr. Karl Sevelda

  Senior Advisor

“Czipin is 

no luxury 

but rather

a competitive 


“Czipin will not 

only tell you how

 to do it better, 

they will also play an 

  active part  in it.”

> Mag. Michael Wardian, CEO

  Kirchdorfer Fertigteilholding